
Individual Education Plans: Careers/ Life skills and Transitions planning for Senior students using the Morrisby tool in partnership with LOOKOUT. Each student in the Senior school works towards developing a Careers profile using Morrisby if appropriate. Morrisby will be slowly introduced to EGSS.

Recreational life skills/Health and Wellbeing: By exploring a range of recreational activities in East Gippsland Shire that they may engage with once they finish school independently.

Life skills: Planned activities for developing skills for independence at home and in the community e.g. cooking, using transport, shopping, entertainment activities, movies, using washing machine, vacuuming, cleaning, communication skills, being a friend, engaging in games, hobbies and interests, getting L plates.

Community Visits: Students engage with weekly community visits with a focus on Life Skills, Transitions and Careers tailored to their identified needs such as community access shopping visits, accessing local cafés, venues and services.

Work experience: Our students focused on careers in our Senior school have the opportunity to explore different career opportunities through work experience and voluntary work.

I am Ready Program: Student participate in the ‘I am Ready Program’ as part of their Careers, Transitions and Pathways planning. Staff at East Gippsland Specialist School are partnering with the GELLEN (Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network) to provide this opportunity for our students.This was a great opportunity for preparing for the world outside of school after graduation.

Work Readiness experiences include activities such as:

  • Team building
  • Dressing for success
  • Mock interviews
  • Exploring a range of career opportunities
  • Engagement of industry in activities
  • Support with work experience placements
  • Industry visits